Some Flask Sculpting

Did some sculpting to the flask. Not sure of it honestly, might redo the sculpting. especially since sculpting is not my strong-suit. But, heres the images:



Its very light damage. As you can see, I also setup a zsphere base for the dragon itself. still not sure how i’m going to handle sculpting that in the end. but i’m sure it will be fun and it will be an adventure.

its been a small while.

Ok, so, its been a short while, I’ve been doing work off and on the past couple days, still working on the temple scene, and I’m working on a new model that a friend made a concept for, not for me, but made the concept in general.

The concept is made by: hes a great artist, go there to see some of his great work.

Heres the concept he made:


Heres my model thus far after a short while of modeling it:

Some small changes have been done to it, in this is currently a high res model in maya, no sculpting yet (obviously…)

Will continue working on it as the nights move on 😀 This will be a tough one since I don’t normally do any organic sculpting, aside from trees and smaller things of the like, so it should be fun and great zbrush practice.